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Corporate Social ResponsibilityHome > Corporate Social Responsibility

The Airports Authority of India aims to achieve, consolidate and strengthen good corporate governance including socially and environmentally responsible business practices that balance financial profit with social well being.

AAI acknowledges that there are or can be expected and unintended outcomes and impact of its core business which is to build and operationalise airports. Given the nature of its work the primary impact is on the environment and communities in the immediate vicinity of the airports. Therefore our inspiration and approach for CSR has been- to bring empowerment opportunities for the underprivileged communities near our airports in order to create an environment of inclusive growth.

The Corporate Social Responsibility CSR) Policy of the Airports Authority of India (AAI) is aligned with its overall commitment to maintaining the highest standards of business performance. The Vision of AAI is "to be a world-class organization providing leadership in air traffic services and airport management and making a major hub in Asia Pacific Region by 2016". The policy has been formulated as per the Guidelines on Corporate Social Responsibility for Central Public Sector Enterprises issued by the Department of Public Enterprises, Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises (vide F.No. 15(3)/2007-DPE (GM)-Gl-99 dated 9th April, 2010).

In the year 2011-12, 2% of profit after tax was allocated for CSR projects. The thematic/ programme focus of the AAI's CSR work includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Integrated community development that fill the gaps in the statutory resettlement and rehabilitation programmes of the government and ensure that the quality of lives of communities are positively impacted at airport sites
  2. Education, including formal and informal education and vocational training that contribute towards sustained income generation and self sufficiency.
  3. Health as an integral component of better quality of life with special focus on women and girls.
  4. Disaster Management including preparedness, capacity building as well as emergency response leveraging core competency of the AAI in situations of disasters.
  5. Environment conservation.

The geographic focus of CSR activities are- the immediate surroundings of new or existing airports which are most affected by the airports; the district, town or city as a whole where the airport is located; and the country as whole for dealing with emergency situations and achieving higher national goals including the MDGs and UN Global Compact Programme on Environment.

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